Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Count in All Joy!

In case you didn't notice, I've included an update pic of me to the right. I decided to braid up for the summer months to increase hair growth and to protect my hair. Besides, the summer months are one of the "hair growing sections" in my hair cycle. Shout out to my girl Vena Chic for hooking me up. I am loving the highlights! Tell me what you think....

Today's message is titled "Count in All Joy". This subject is coming directly from the scripture found in James 1:2-4 (Take a look and read today when you get a will move you).

Are you rejoicing in the good and bad times? I ask this because the bible tells us that no matter what the situation, we should be counting all of our blessings and giving praise, whether favorable or not. See, daily we can get wrapped up in the pettiness or DRAMA that life throws our way. But, how you respond makes all the difference.

This reminds me of an employee here at my company that is always in a frump (or at least they look like it). Constantly I am speaking to them, smiling, etc and they never budge. It’s almost as if the world is against them OR I did something to hurt/insult them. Lol. I laugh because many of days (and you all can attest) I feel the same way they look:

~ Seems everything and everyone is against me all on the same day

~ When trying to move forward with goals, roadblocks come out of nowhere

~ Those who I THOUGHT were friends, have shown their true color and now have to be removed from the “friend” category

The list can go on and on. Despite it all, I still stay happy, confident and most importantly thankful. This is the impression I give others on a daily basis. Am I lying to them by doing this? I don’t think so. No matter what is going on, I am counting my blessings and not letting anything or anyone change/control my mood.

So today I ask you – How has your week gone thus far? How has your attitude been the past few days towards yourself and others? Whether good or bad, give thanks to the father for allowing you to live yet another day AND making a difference in this world. Now, if you do not feel that you are making a difference, then that is another entry…for another day. Lol.

Be blessed family and remember this too shall pass. The orAKAle has spoken………………..

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